concept testing中文什么意思

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  1. Coolers for distribution boxes ; concepts testing , marking
  2. The aim of this tutorial is to provide precise coverage of the concepts tested in the scwcd exam
  3. Subjects were administered both self - concept test and achievement motivation questionnaire , except that intelligence scores were copied down from the school record
  4. Mindful of the stumbles of other biotech companies , krotzky adds , metanomics has worked quietly for four years , completing internal proof - of - concept tests before making any public scientific claims
  5. Especially , traffic simulation can provide a flexible and efficient laboratory analysis tool , which can satisfy a wide range of requirements such as the studies of damages or dangers of traffic system , new traffic technologies and concepts testing , personnel training and etc . this paper focuses on modeling car basic driving model based on the tsis , developing corresponding simulation software system , testing the veracity of bdsim model , simulating and analyzing the status quo and the improving projection of xudong intersection with tsis
    对于新交通技术和设想的测试以及人员培训等诸多应用领域,微观交通仿真都是经济、方便、高效的实验分析工具。本文的研究重点为:基于tsis中城市道路交通微观仿真软件( netsim ) ,建立车辆基本行驶模型( bdsim模型) ,开发bdsim仿真系统,应用tsis对bdsim模型进行验证,同时对武汉市重要交叉口? ?徐东路口的交通现状进行仿真,对仿真结果进行分析评价,发现问题,提出改进方案。


Concept testing (or market testing) is the process of using quantitative methods and qualitative methods to evaluate consumer response to a product idea prior to the introduction of a product to the market. It can also be used to generate communication designed to alter consumer attitudes toward existing products.


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  7. concept validity 什么意思
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